MEG's Patient Safety Learning Module: Seamless Integration with the New LFPSE System

NHS England has recently launched the phased rollout of its new Learning from Patient Safety Events (LFPSE) service, a replacement for the National Recording and Learning System (NRLS) which will provide a single national NHS system for recording and analysing patient safety events in England.

MEG is proud to join the list of approved Local Risk Management System suppliers with its LFPSE-compliant Patient Safety Learning module, a key component of its QMS platform.

The Patient Safety Learning module offers a user-friendly, cost-effective, and customisable solution that healthcare organisations can rely on to make the transition to LFPSE with ease. The cloud-based platform, with offline functionality and compatibility across all devices, provides a comprehensive approach to incident management and patient safety events. The module features LFPSE-upload functionality, editable and expandable forms for incident reports, smart alerts and workflows, customisable reports and dashboards, and action planning functionality.

MEG's QMS platform has been designed to ensure that reported incidents don't simply end at "incident closure" but are turned into valuable learning opportunities that can drive improvement across organisations. The all-in-one platform can seamlessly integrate with risk management, policy updates, audit and compliance, quality improvement, patient experience and complaints management, training, and key performance indicator tracking, allowing providers to turn patient safety events into meaningful and positive change.

Kerrill Thornhill, MEG founder and CEO, is thrilled about becoming LFPSE-compliant and being part of the journey towards improving patient safety in the UK:

"At MEG, we are committed to delivering innovative, technology-driven solutions to the healthcare industry," says Thornhill. "Our highly skilled implementation team is dedicated to making the transition to the new LFPSE system as seamless as possible for healthcare providers. We understand the importance of ensuring that patient safety remains the top priority, and our team is equipped to provide expert support and guidance every step of the way."

MEG's LFPSE-compliant Patient Safety Learning module provides a comprehensive and user-friendly solution for healthcare organisations to make the transition to the new LFPSE system with ease. The all-in-one platform seamlessly integrates with a range of risk management and quality improvement functions, allowing providers to turn patient safety events into meaningful change.

If you're attending the Digital Health Rewired event in London in March, be sure to stop by MEG's booth to see the entire system in action.